Look into those eyes Deep inside Behind the temper Behind the attitude There he truly is Waiting Patiently For someone to look To really...

It is a Privileged to be with Other People
This job of parenting is so tricky. But, every moment of inappropriate behavior is a wonderful window of opportunity to teach! Often, it...

Teaching Kindness by Teaching Respect
When it comes to kids, it seems to me that our job as adults, is to help them figure out who they are and then give them the tools to be...

Verbal Battle
Q: What do I do when my four-year-old son informs me that he is having a cupcake for breakfast? I say to him, “No, you are not having a...

Brushing Teeth
I overheard some parents chatting in the dentists office about how hard it is to get their young children to brush their teeth. They...

Be A Turtle
Two days ago, I wrote an answer to a question about Keeping Your Cool. I have a suggestion for teaching you and your children how to keep...

Keeping Your Cool
Q: When everything is so upsetting and chaotic in a moment of bad behavior and anger, it seems unrealistic to be able to stay calm and...

Let me introduce myself
I am a mother and a teacher. I have been raising children and teaching kids for the past 25 years, and during that time I have seen...